SAT Solver Etudes I: A Deep Dive into Boolean Satisfiability

SAT Solver Etudes I: A Deep Dive into Boolean Satisfiability

This blog post explores the fascinating world of SAT solvers, tracing their evolution from simple brute-force approaches to sophisticated algorithms like Davis-Putnam and Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL). It compares different techniques, highlighting recent advancements such as congruence closure, clausal equivalence sweeping, and bounded variable addition that have dramatically improved performance. The author provides Python code examples illustrating brute-force, Davis-Putnam-based, and given-clause-loop solvers. The post also touches upon partial evaluation techniques and future research directions, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in the intricacies of Boolean satisfiability.

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Symbolic Execution by Overloading __bool__

Symbolic Execution by Overloading __bool__

This article presents a clever technique for symbolic execution of Python code by overloading the __bool__ function in the Z3 Python library. The author leverages Z3's capabilities to translate Python conditional statements into Z3 expressions, enabling path exploration and result analysis. This approach bypasses complex AST traversal and allows direct use within Python code, simplifying symbolic execution.

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