Category: Physics

Heatproof Magnetism: A Surprising Discovery Defies Expectations

Heatproof Magnetism: A Surprising Discovery Defies Expectations

High temperatures are known to disrupt order and patterns. However, physicists have theoretically demonstrated a type of idealized magnetism that maintains its orderly structure regardless of temperature. This surprising discovery stems from a simple question posed at a lecture, leading to a deeper exploration of quantum field theory. Researchers found that in a system resembling two intertwined magnetic grids, a specific magnetic order persists even at infinitely high temperatures. The freely spinning magnetic vectors stabilize the up-down aligned vectors, maintaining overall magnetic order. This finding could have implications for cosmology and the quest to achieve room-temperature quantum phenomena.

The Truth About the Short Range of the Weak Nuclear Force: It's Not Quantum Mechanics

The Truth About the Short Range of the Weak Nuclear Force: It's Not Quantum Mechanics

A long-standing misconception attributes the short range of the weak nuclear force to the uncertainty principle and virtual particles in quantum mechanics. This article argues that the short range is actually due to the inherent 'stiffness' of the field itself. This 'stiffness' makes it more energetically costly to change the field's value, thus limiting the force's range. While quantum mechanics explains the mass of the W and Z bosons associated with the weak force, this is unrelated to the force's short range. The author uses analogies and mathematical derivations to clearly explain how 'stiffness' leads to both short-range forces and particle mass, correcting a long-held misunderstanding.

A Simple Violation of Determinism in Newtonian Mechanics: The Dome


This paper presents a counterintuitive example in Newtonian mechanics where determinism fails: a mass resting at the apex of a specially shaped dome spontaneously moves without any external intervention. The author demonstrates, through mathematical solutions and physical reasoning, that this system allows for multiple solutions, some of which depict the mass initiating motion at an arbitrary time, with no Newtonian prediction for when or in what direction. Even simple Newtonian systems can exhibit acausal events, challenging the universality of causality in classical physics.

Physicists Measure Quantum Geometry for the First Time

Physicists Measure Quantum Geometry for the First Time

MIT physicists have, for the first time, measured the quantum geometry of electrons in solids. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), they overcame a long-standing challenge of directly measuring the geometry of quantum wave functions. This breakthrough opens new avenues for understanding and manipulating the quantum properties of materials, with potential applications in quantum computing and advanced electronics. The team's success involved international collaborations and innovative experimental design, navigating challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Physics' New Frontier: Beyond Thermodynamics

Physics' New Frontier: Beyond Thermodynamics

This article delves into the significance and limitations of thermodynamics in physics. The author argues that while statistical mechanics provides a microscopic understanding of thermodynamics, it may obscure more general principles. A call is made to focus on macroscopic, empirical observations, such as non-equilibrium thermodynamics and self-organizing systems, suggesting these areas may hold new physical laws and offer solutions to practical problems, echoing the initial development of thermodynamics from steam engine improvements.

LHC Unveils 23 Exotic Hadrons, Challenging Strong Interaction Theories

LHC Unveils 23 Exotic Hadrons, Challenging Strong Interaction Theories

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has yielded a surprising discovery: 23 exotic hadrons, including pentaquarks and tetraquarks, whose structures defy explanation by current theories. This discovery, akin to a fascinating detective story, is driving theorists to develop new models, such as hadronic molecule models and compact tetraquark models. Future experiments at the High-Luminosity LHC, Belle II, and BESIII will provide more data, offering further clues to unraveling the mysteries of the strong interaction.

Physicists Discover Particle with Mass Only When Moving in One Direction

Physicists Discover Particle with Mass Only When Moving in One Direction

Scientists have discovered a peculiar quasiparticle, the semi-Dirac fermion, which only exhibits effective mass when moving in one direction. Predicted in 2008, this phenomenon has now been confirmed in a ZrSiS semi-metal crystal at extremely low temperatures (-269°C). Its energy properties differ drastically in perpendicular directions, akin to a train experiencing resistance when switching tracks, thus gaining mass. This discovery could have profound implications for quantum physics and electronic sensors, but further research is needed to explore its applications.


Exotic New Superconductors Delight and Confound

Exotic New Superconductors Delight and Confound

Three new types of superconductors were discovered this year, challenging our understanding of this phenomenon. These two-dimensional materials, like graphene, exhibit unprecedented flexibility, switching between insulating, conducting, and superconducting states with simple adjustments. One even defies expectations by strengthening in a magnetic field. These discoveries deepen the mystery of superconductivity while offering hope for room-temperature superconductors, potentially revolutionizing energy and transportation.

Bizarre Particle's Mass Depends on Travel Direction

Bizarre Particle's Mass Depends on Travel Direction

Scientists have unexpectedly discovered a strange quasiparticle, a semi-Dirac fermion, in a ZrSiS material. This particle exhibits a peculiar behavior: it's massless when moving along a specific direction but gains mass when traveling in other directions. This discovery, stemming from research into the properties of quasiparticles within ZrSiS, relates to Einstein's mass-energy equivalence, E=mc². When moving at light speed in a specific direction, the quasiparticle is massless; changing direction and slowing down causes it to gain mass. The finding could potentially lead to novel applications for ZrSiS, similar to those of graphene.