My Experience with Claude 3.6: A Quantum Leap in AI Assistance


Since Anthropic released Claude 3.6, my usage has skyrocketed. It's a significant improvement across the board, particularly in accuracy and reliability. I analyzed my usage data, showing a multi-hundred percent increase in conversations, messages, and words inputted. Claude helps me solve problems, from overcoming anxiety and decision paralysis to sparking creativity in exploring ideas, coding, and writing. It's even fun to interact with, like conversing with a brilliant scholar. Claude 3.6 is more than a tool; it's a highly capable partner that boosts productivity and expands horizons.

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Implementing the SM-2 Algorithm in Rust: An Improved Spaced Repetition System


The author implemented the SuperMemo SM-2 algorithm, a modified version used in the spaced repetition software Mochi, in Rust. This algorithm dynamically adjusts review intervals based on user performance ratings to optimize learning efficiency. The article details the algorithm's mechanics, including the calculation of the ease factor (EF), determining review intervals, and how user ratings affect algorithm parameters. Rust code is provided with explanations of key design choices.

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