From Web 1.0 to the App-Infested Web: A Lament for the Lost Internet

From Web 1.0 to the App-Infested Web: A Lament for the Lost Internet

The author reminisces about the early days of the internet in the mid-90s, a time of creative websites, free information, and individual expression. However, commercialization brought an onslaught of ads, pop-ups, and invasive tracking. Websites were bought out by large networks, leading to homogenization and a decline in unique content. The internet evolved into the current ecosystem of ads, pop-ups, and apps, falling short of its initial promise. The author laments the loss of the open web and expresses concern about the future.

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The Graveyard of Game Assets: A Plea for Reuse


Game developer Garry Newman recently posted about the wasted potential of assets from failed games. Many games, despite years of development, fail to achieve commercial success, leading to their abandonment. Newman highlights the significant amount of high-quality sound effects, models, and animations that are simply discarded. He proposes a solution: developers with unused assets from defunct projects should consider sharing them for reuse in platforms like Garry's Mod or S&box, giving these assets a new life and preventing waste.

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