Graphene's Surprising Superconductivity: A Glimpse of Room-Temperature Superconductors?

Graphene's Surprising Superconductivity: A Glimpse of Room-Temperature Superconductors?

Physicists from Harvard and Northeastern Universities have unlocked secrets behind the superconductivity of twisted bilayer and trilayer graphene through ingenious experiments. They discovered that the kinetic inductance of these materials is unusually 'stiff', defying conventional superconductivity theories and potentially linked to quantum geometry. Even more exciting, the kinetic inductance of trilayer graphene resembles that of materials exhibiting superconductivity at higher temperatures, opening new avenues for research into room-temperature superconductors and potentially drastically reducing energy consumption in numerous devices. This research also presents new possibilities for fields like space exploration, such as creating smaller and lighter particle detectors.

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Bonobos Show They Understand Ignorance: A Breakthrough in Theory of Mind Research

Bonobos Show They Understand Ignorance: A Breakthrough in Theory of Mind Research

A new study demonstrates that bonobos possess theory of mind, understanding others' lack of knowledge and acting accordingly. Researchers designed an experiment where bonobos helped an experimenter find hidden treats. Results showed bonobos pointed faster and more often when they realized the experimenter didn't know the treat's location. This indicates bonobos track and respond to differing perspectives, suggesting theory of mind might be more evolutionarily ancient than previously thought, and potentially present in our common ancestor.

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Laser Technique Achieves Nanometer Precision Over Vast Distances

Laser Technique Achieves Nanometer Precision Over Vast Distances

Scientists have developed a new laser-based technique capable of measuring distances exceeding 100 kilometers with nanometer precision. This breakthrough promises significant improvements in the accuracy of space telescopes and other long-range measurement applications. Previously, long-distance laser measurements were limited to millimeter precision, highlighting the revolutionary nature of this advancement.

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